When I started working as an Elementary Teacher Librarian, I held a secret shame. Although I loved to read and spent many summer days at our local public library, there were many childhood classics that I had missed reading as I grew up. Books that were pivotal for others just never ended up in my hands, and here I was - about to start a career as a librarian without having completely read the canon of Important Children's Literature. I started slowly reading some of the books I had missed. The first was Anne of Green Gables, and Oh! The joy of reading Anne's breathless lengthy speeches as an adult - I adored the book, and have used the name Idlewild wherever I could since. As someone who loves to wonder at the beauty of the outdoors, the quiet forest where Anne meets with her bosom friend always sounded like a place I would love, and the language reminded me a bit of one of the lines from the famous Mary Oliver poem The Summer Day (I do know how to pay attention, how to ...